In Collaboration With

In Collaboration With

B2 Syllabus

Syllabus Level


The B2 level is divided into five sequential classes:

B2.1 – B2.2 – B2.3 – B2.4 – B2.5


Each class lasts for 10 weeks. Upon completion of the five B2 classes, students can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their field of specialization. They can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

B2.1 Syllabus


Historical past
More uses of the conditional
Indefinite tenses: the past participle
“If” clauses – 3 rd type

Communication skills:

Historical past
More uses of the conditional
Indefinite tenses: the past participle
“If” clauses – 3 rd type

B2.2 Syllabus


The relationship between tenses in complex sentences –
present and past
Affinché, Purché, In modo che + subjunctive
Quelli che / Coloro che
Verbs with double auxiliary
Alteration of nouns: expressing endearment

Communication skills:

Talking about different governments and institutions
Talking about laws, bills, citizen rights and duties
Talking about character and personality
Talking about sports
Talking about pets

B2.3 Syllabus


Indirect speech – present and past
Indirect speech: interrogatives
Subjunctive in relative clauses
Subjunctive in comparative clauses
Nel caso in cui, Qualora, Non perché, Senza che + subjunctive
Subjunctive in clauses starting with che

Communication skills:

Report historical events
Report questions
Talking about historical personalities
Public speaking: structures and vocabulary
Debating: presenting your argument
Talking about new media and privacy

B2.4 Syllabus


Past Gerund
Pur + gerundio
Pur di, Da, Anziché + infinitive
Past Infinitive
Far Fare – 1 st part
Subjunctive in independent clauses
Compound nouns: singular and plural

Communication skills:

Talking about immigration
Talking about volunteer work
Talking about cities and neighborhoods
Life with neighbors
Talking about hobbies

B2.5 Syllabus


The relationship between tenses in complex sentences – conditional present and past
The “cleft sentence”
Reflexive verbs – expressing endearment
Far Fare – 2 nd part
Passive construction with andare
Everyday Italian: examples

Communication skills:

Talking about food experiences
Giving advice about food
Explaining a recipe
Talking about dialects
Debating language issues from a socio-cultural
Expressing disagreement
Talking about novels